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Eesti Laserravi Seltsi partner
Biomedicos Centras
The large Lithuanian company is a reliable supplier of a wide range of laser medical equipment on the Baltic market. In addition to commissioning, the company provides warranty and post-warranty service. Among the brands represented are Lumenis©, Zimmer©, Bluecore©, Pollogen©.

Eesti Laserravi Seltsi partner
A.Medical has more than 20 years of experience in supplying and servicing medical equipment, as well as a wide range of medical goods and hospital pharmaceuticals. A.Medical main focus areas are dermatology, radiology, cardiology, disinfection, hemodialysis, Intensive care, oncology, physiotherapy, surgery, urology. A.Medical represent brands like DEKA©, Baxter©, Bracco©, Canon©, Draeger©, Elekta©, Hologic© and others.

Meie kolleegid ja sõbrad
Teeme aktiivset koostööd teiste riiklike ja rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega, et luua tihedaid sidemeid ning vahetada teadmisi ja kogemusi

Tartu Ülikool
Alates 2023. aasta jaanuarist on Tartu Ülikoolis käimas meie seltsi poolt koostatud dermatoloogia lasermeditsiini valikaine kursus arstitudengitele.

European Society for Lasers and Energy Based Devices
ESLD or European Society for Lasers and Energy Based Devices is dedicated to medical procedures performed with laser and other energy based devices. ESLD is providing an interactive communication platform for the medical community. Its active involvement in over 15 national and international conferences provides members and industry alike with a unique opportunity to interact, exchange, and promote laser and energy based device medicine.​

Eesti Naha- ja Suguhaiguste Arstide Selts
ENSAS on üks vanimaid arstide seltse Eestis. Teeme koostöös loenguid ja ettekandeid erinevatel laserravi teemadel.​

Eesti Esteetilise Meditsiini Arstide Selts
Selts on interdistsiplinaarne ja ühendab erinevate erialade arste, kes tegelevad esteetilise meditsiiniga põhieralaselt või lisaks oma erialale.
Koostöös teeme loenguid ja ettekandeid erinevatel laserravi teemadel.​